Françoise TANRET honor...

Speech of October 6, 2006

Good evening ladies and gentlemen

I am very honoured to be with you, guest of honour was the 5th autumn salon.

I address my sincere thanks to Mrs Lara JULIEN, adopted tonight by his professional duties, Mr. HARTMANN Mayor Champigneulles, Jean Marc Deputy delegate for culture, and married GORREX, Gilles ORDURAUX, correspondent of l'Est républicain.
This exhibition would not have been possible without their competition.

Painting is for me a way of living, to communicate, to share my passion, that felt before a landscape.
Passionate about nature, I interpret my vision on the basis of my emotions.
The majority of my subjects for this exhibition, are research and work on the trees, their diversity, their beauties.
The canvas sometimes refuses, resists, wandering moved inevitably, discouragement can - be, and when this is made, the miracle of a Savior gesture, a touch, a task and the painting is done without our knowledge.
Astonishment of what happens, mystery of life.

As wrote so well Claude ROY, a table we suggest to dream, to imagine, to feel, to feel, to be more quite the same than before.

Thank you all for coming this evening.